With the stock market experiencing such turbulence, it is understandable that now, more than ever, investors are seeking safe and secure investment opportunities for their money. Property investment has long been recognised as the most secure and one of the most lucrative investment options. Property offers the advantages of being tangible, likely to accrue in value and comparatively low in risk. However, it is always important for property investment advice to be sought regarding an individuals unique financial situation and evaluation of the options available to them.
Compulsory superannuation in Australia is designed so that Australians of retirement age have access to some income when they are no longer in the workforce. Many Australians are realising that they need greater financial security for retirement, and the purchase of one investment property (or more) can help to achieve this end. So, how can a person work towards financial security through buying an investment property? First and foremost, an individual needs to think of the future. No matter whether a person is struggling financially or doing very well, thinking about their future financial situation is important and necessary if prudent decisions are to be made. It may sound incredibly obvious, but in order to achieve financial security, a person needs to gather assets that produce income and investing in property is one of the most strategically effective ways to enhance your financial situation. While it is common for people to like to see a positive bank balance, placing all of your funds in a bank account will not make you as much gross profit as most investment properties in Australia would.
Quite simply, we will present you with a selection of already designed homes for you to choose from. This may feel quite restricting, though you do have the opportunity to add items to our our standard range.
Predefined home designs are cheaper and we do offer that option, though we do have features in our designs that suit your lifestyle and future needs. Which of course will save you money at the beginning that you can make changes as your lifestyle changes down the track and the equity in your property increases.
Because we build in volume we have bigger buying power with suppliers, so materials are cheaper compared to your custom builder and we pass on those savings to our customers.
Even when your investment property is negatively geared, it presents an opportunity to generate income from rent and enjoy particular tax benefits. In many cases, the rental income from an investment property can make a significant contribution to mortgage repayments.
When you work so hard throughout your working life, you want to make sure that your money works hard for you in the present and in the future. Accumulation of properties, including your own home and wisely chosen investment properties, frequently leads to compound interest working in your financial favour.
Of course, property investment needs to be done from an informed point of view. There is no point 12 rushing into the purchase of properties when research has not been done to ascertain their appeal to potential tenants, the extent to which the location is sought after, any strata and rental terms and the likelihood of capital growth.
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At G Developments success has come because of the collective efforts of a diverse team.
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One of the things that sets G Developments apart is our amazing range of unique, eye-catching designs that suit your needs, budget and block.
What Makes G Developments Different
G Developments offers points of solution and convenience that are unsurpassed by other businesses in the same industry.
Affordable New Homes
We offer excellent value with our affordable house and land packages.
Cost effective investment homes
We source products and build investment properties with capital growth being the main objective.
Excellent quality inclusions
Full turn key
You can relax knowing your home truly will be a 'move-in ready' solution.
Quality Assurance
G Developments strict quality control methodology enables our team to evaluate and identify construction standards that best satisfy.
GDev App
The GDev Build Progress App, has all the information regarding your build at your fingertips.
Split Level Construction
Take a look at our split level designs, our builders can also tailor other designs to suit sloping blocks.
A 6 year structural Warranty
For defective work claims, structural defects are covered for six years.*
Engineering, Council and Certifiers inspections
Our in-house team of certifiers inspect and approve building work to make sure it complies. Saving you time and money!